EEE Projects
EEE Project Titles
Final year project Titles or EEE Students

- Substation Monitoring System – Electrical Transmission And Distribution Process
- Electrical Network Automation & Communication Systems
- Remote Data Monitoring & Data Analysis For Power Station
- Post Paid Electricity Billing Automation
- Power Sharing Of Transformer With Overload Protection
- EB Theft Monitoring And Control System
- Artificial Intelligent Solar Tracking System With True Graph & PC Interface
- Noise Less Speed Control Of DC Motor Using PWM Converter
- Remote Control Of AC / DC Motor With Parameter Monitoring
- Remote On / Off Of An AC / DC Motor
- Remote On/Off Controller For AC Motors With Parameter Monitoring
- Remote Speed Control Of AC / DC Motor
- Remote Switching System For Home Appliances And Hardware
- Mobile technology (GSM) based remote monitoring and control of digital Energy meter.
- Controlling AC lamp Dimmer through Mobile Phone (IEEE-2010).
- Multiple Transformers oil temperature monitoring with automatic circuit breaker operation with SMS based alerts.
- A Novel Wireless Self-powered Microcontroller-based Monitoring Circuit for Photovoltaic Panels in Grid-connected Systems (IEEE-2010).
- Wireless Energy Meter reading on hand-help device based on RF Transceiver.
- SCADA implementation based on wireless RF technology. (IEEE-2009).
- Method of Measuring Power Quality and Development of Monitor Device (IEEE-2010).
- Motor speed monitoring and control system using GSM modem.
- A Smart Card Based Prepaid Electricity System.
- High voltage fuse blown indicator with Voice based announcement system.
- Voice enabled devices switching for visually impaired.
- Industrial/power grid electrical parameter Data Acquisition system through wireless technology.
- DC Motors speed synchronization for rolling mills.
- Touch Screen based digital devices control system. This project is to build a Graphical LCD Touch Screen interface for switching electrical devices. The controlled devices can be of high voltage or low voltage.
- Construction of central control unit for Irrigation water pumps. Cost effective method to control entire villagers water pumps with user level authentication. Illiterates friendly system.
- Wireless Energy Meter monitoring system with automatic tariff calculation.
- Home Network Configuring Scheme for All Electric Appliances Using ZigBee-based Integrated Remote Controller.
- Resistive Touch screen controlled contact less speed monitoring and controlling of dc motor with speed limit alerts.
- DC Motor Speed and direction control over GSM Mobile/Modem.
- Smart Wireless Temperature Data Logger (IEEE-2007)
- Energy meter monitoring and control system using SMS technology(IEEE-2007).
- Energy meter data logging system with Realtime clock and KWH readings. Very useful for historical data logging and analysis.
- Energy meter per-day average, Max and Min Load display on Graphical LCD.
- MMC/SD card based data logger for energy meter with time and KWH readings for historical data logging and analysis.
- PIR based energy conservation system for corporate Computers and lighting system.
- Development of Zigbee based Street Light (IEEE-2008)
- Wireless power theft monitoring system and indication at local substations.
- Touchscreen controlled lamp dimmer for next generation apartments.
- Wireless electrical devices monitoring and controlling system for industrial applications.
- Microconroller and Touchscreen controlled motor speed and direction controlling system.
- Touchscreen operated industrial oil dispensing system (OIL SCADA).
- An On-line Monitoring System of Temperature of Conductors and Fittings Based on GSM SMS and Zigbee(IEEE-2008).
- 4-wired resistive touch screen controlled lamp dimmer for next generation apartments with Optical isolation and zero crossing detectors.
- Dual (active and standby) Lithium-ion battery charger for continuous non-interrupted power supply to critical loads.
- Graphical LCD and Touch Screen based Electrical devices control system.
- Implementation of wireless sensors network based industrial temperature monitoring system.
- Touchscreen based advanced temperature monitoring and control system with graphical LCD.
- GSM based Irrigation Water Pump Controller for Illiterates (No Mobile phone operation knowledge required).
- Triac and optically isolated diac based electrical oven temperature monitoring and controlling system with zero-crossing detector.
- High power LED based intelligent streetlight controlling system with automatic brightness control with vehicle presence sensor (GSM optional).
- Timer based Electrical Oven temperature monitoring and control for Metal Industries.
- GSM based SCADA implementation using Microcontroller.
- 3-phase irrigation water pump controller for illiterates using dual GSM Modems.
- Microcontroller based Substation Monitoring and control.
- Microcontroller based Generator/Alternator Control and Monitoring System
- Electrical Data (voltage, current, frequency etc…) Logger.
- Hall Effect sensor based non-contact Tachometer for electrical motors speed measurement.
- Microcontroller based Single phasing preventor.
- IR Remote controlled Irrigation water pump controller with single phasing protection.
- Microcontroller based Solar Tracker with Stepper Motor Control.
- Auto-Credit Energy Metering System using mifare card.
- PWM based DC Motor Closed loop Speed Controller.
- RS485 based SCADA system for longer distance powered devices
- Radio Frequency (RF) based Wireless Control Of DC/Stepper Motor Speed Control.
- RF based Wireless Electrical Devices Controller.
- Motor Speed Monitoring over GSM Mobile.
- Microcontroller based refrigeration control system.
- Timer based automatic power cutoff for industrial sealing/packaging machines.
- Wireless SCADA.
- GSM/Mobile/Cell Phone Based Device Monitoring and Control.
- GSM Based Automatic Irrigation Water Controller System
- Automatic Intelligent Plant Watering System
- IR (Infrared) Remote based Stepper Motor Speed and Direction Controller
- RC5 IR Based Remote Device Switching
- The Robot that follows the (Infrared) Light
- Frequency Locked Loop DC Motor speed monitoring and control system.
- Digital Tachometer (Non-contact)
- Digital Voltage, Current and Frequency Meter.
- SCADA system design and construction for real-time electrical parameter monitoring and control.
- Transformer oil temperature monitoring with automatic Circuit Breaker operation.
- GSM/Mobile/Cell Phone Based Device Monitoring and Control System.
- Energy Tapping Identifier Through Wireless Data Acquisition System.
- Substation Fuse blown Indicator.
- Mobile phone controlled Street Light monitoring and control system.
- UPS battery monitoring system over GSM for high availability systems (banking/finance/medical etc).
- DTMF mobile phone controlled dam water gates controlling system with high-level protection.
- DC Motor Speed and direction control using RF/IR/Zigbee technologies.
- Hazardous chemical valve control system with stepper motor and line of site remote control.
- Contact less Motor speed monitoring on Graphical display with high and low speed alerts.
- Design and construction of Earth fault relay for single phase power system.
- RF transceiver (Zigbee/X-Bee) based energy meter monitoring system. (Energy Meter reading on PC over wireless comm.)
- Talking energy (KWH) meter.
- Sine wave Inverter.
- Transformerless Variable Frequency Drive
- Solar operated Liquid Vending machine
- DC-DC Converter
- Green wind energy for rural electrification
- AC-AC Converter
- Earth Fault relay for 3-phase power system
- Programmable current relay for high speed protection.
- MPPT Optimal Power Point Tracking system for Solar PV panels.
- Password enabled pre-paid liquid/milk dispensing system.
- High voltage fuse blown indicator with display on PC with optical isolation between PC and HV bus bars
- Solar based air compressor pump for car bike tire inflate
- Voice operated Intelligent Fire extinguisher vehicle
- An On-line Monitoring System of Transmission Line Conductor De-icing(IEEE-2008).
- A Novel Active Clamped Dual Switch Flyback Converter
- A Novel ZVZCS LLC-Type Parallel Resonant Converter with A Separated Resonant Tank
- A Family of Single-Stage Resonant AC/DC Converters With PFC
- Self-Oscillating Full-Bridge Electronic Ballast with Constant-Lamp-Current Control and No-Lamp-Protection Circuit
- The Single-Phase Single-Switch PWM Three-Level High Power Factor Rectifier for DC Network Application
- Single-Phase Matrix Converter Operating as Buck and Boost Rectifier
- A Zero-Voltage-Switching Bidirectional DC-DC Converter With State Analysis and Soft-Switching-Oriented Design Consideration
- High step-up resonant push-pull converter with high efficiency
- Three-Switch Active-Clamp Forward Converter with Low Switch Voltage Stress
- Design, study, modeling and control of a new single-phase high power factor rectifier based on the single-ended primary inductance converter and the Sheppard-Taylor topology
- Design of High Power Density DC Bus Converter Based on LLC Resonant Converter with Synchronous Rectifier
- Analysis and Real-Time Testing of a Controlled Single-Phase pulse width Modulated Inverter for Capacitor-Run Induction Motors
- Power Injection System for Photovoltaic Generation Plants with Active Filtering Capability Converter
- A Hybrid PWM Resonant Converter Suitable for Wide Input Variation
- Modeling the PWM Zeta Converter in Discontinuous Conduction Mode
- Microcontroller Based Soft-Switched Buck Converter
- ZVS Resonant DC-link Inverter using Soft Switching Boost Converter
- Analysis and implementation of an Improved Soft-switched Synchronous Buck Converter
- The output shaft voltage analysis of an inverter under wide-range input voltages in electric vehicles (EV)
- Zero-Current-Transition Bridgeless PFC Without Extra Voltage and Current Stress
Single-Phase Z-Source Buck-Boost Matrix Converter - Novel Half-Bridge Inductive DC-DC Isolated Converters for Fuel Cell Applications
- Loss-Free Balancing Circuit for Series Connection of Electrolytic Capacitors Using an Auxiliary Switch-Mode Power Supply
- Implementation of a Zero Voltage Switching Sepic-Cuk Converter
- Analysis and Control of Buck-Boost Chopper Type AC Voltage Regulator
- Evaluation of DSP-Based PID and Fuzzy Controllers for DC-DC Converters
- Positive Voltage Injection Switching Inductor (P-VISI) Method for Fast Transient
- Response in SMPS under Loading Condition
- Identification of Feasible Topologies for Multiple-Input DC-DC Converters
- Quasi-Z-Source Inverter for Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems
- Iterative Behavioral Modeling of Charge-Pump-Based Electronic Ballast-Fluorescent Lamp System
- Single-Stage Single-Switch Switched-Capacitor Buck/Buck-Boost-Type
- Soft Switching of Negative-Output KY Buck Converter
- Steady State Characteristics of Active-Clamped Full-Wave Zero-Current-Switched Quasi-Resonant Boost Converters
- A Novel Single-Stage High-Power-Factor Electronic Ballast With Boost Topology for Multiple Fluorescent Lamps
- A Bridgeless PFC Boost Rectifier With Optimized Magnetic Utilization
- Compact High Voltage IGBT Switch for Pulsed Power Applications
- Compensation Loop Design of A Photovoltaic System Based on Constant Voltage MPPT
- A Fixed-frequency Sliding Mode Controller for Buck Converter in Continuous Conduction Mode
- An Interleaved Twin-Buck Converter with Zero-Voltage-Transition
- Passive and Active Hybrid Integrated EMI Filters
- Single-Stage Fly back Converter for Constant Current Output LED Driver with Power Factor Correction
- Design and Comparison of Two Front-end DC/DC Converters: LLC Resonant Converter and Soft-switched Phase-shifted Full-bridge Converter with Primary-side Energy Storage Inductor
- Modeling of a SEPIC Converter Operating in Discontinuous Conduction Mode
Design of High Voltage, High Power and High Frequency Transformer in LCC Resonant Converter - Switching Control Strategy to Minimize Dual Active Bridge Converter Losses
- Light-Load Efficiency Improvement for Buck Voltage Regulators
- Active-Clamping Dual Resonant Converter
- Study on Dual-Loop Grid Current Control Scheme for Grid-Connected Inverter with an LCL-Filter
- An Interleaved Boost Converter With Zero-Voltage Transition
- Self-Oscillating Dimmable Electronic Ballast for Fluorescent Lamps
- Design and Implementation of Microcontroller based PWM technique for Sine wave Inverter
- Comparison of Z-Source Inverter and Traditional Two-Stage Boost-Buck Inverter in Grid-tied Renewable Energy Generation
- A Systematic Approach to Synthesizing Multi-Input DC-DC Converters
- Analysis and implementation of Matrix Converter
- Analysis and implementation of An Efficient Active LC Snubber for Forward Converters
- A Novel Single-Stage High-Power-Factor AC/DC Converter Featuring High Circuit Efficiency
- A Qualitative comparison of bifurcation in single cell and two cell buck converter
- AC/DC power conversion interface for self-excited induction generator
- Family of Soft-Switching PWM Converters With Current Sharing in Switches
- A Single-Stage High-Power-Factor Electronic Ballast With ZVS Buck-Boost Conversion
- Very-High-Frequency Resonant Boost Converters
- Analysis and implementation of Two-Stage AC-DC Converter to Drive SRM with Sampling and Startup Considered
- High-Efficiency Fuel Cell Power Conditioning System With Input current Ripple Reduction
- An Efficient Common-Mode Hybrid EMI Filter Used in Switch-mode Power Supply
- Topology and analysis of Voltage-lift-type Cuk converters
- Design-Oriented Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Buck PFC Front-End
Single-Stage Offline SEPIC Converter with Power Factor Correction to Drive High Brightness LEDs